Short: Converts IFFÕs pictures to ascii pictures type: gfx/conv uploader: author: ILBM2ASCII @@@@@@@@@@@@@[ ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~` by Tobias Ferber mmmmmmmmmmmmmi based on iff2ascii.amos by Matthew Stratfold @A***********! @[ @[ What's it do? @[ ------------- @[ It converts IFF pictures into an ASCII representation. The program will antialiase the text by selecting the mmmmmmmmmmmmmi best characters to make the edge. Characters are also @A****M@****@[ selected for their density when shading. @[ ]@ @[ @[ ]@ @[ How to use it: @[ ]@ @[ ------------- Y@_ _@@W__W@` The program can be invoked from the shell in the normal 'M@@@@A~*@@A` way or by running the arexx script use either: '~~` ilbm2ascii [ilbm-file] > [ascii file] rx ILBM2ASCII.rexx FROM [ilbm file] TO [ascii file] @@@@@@@@@@@@@[ If you have ARexx running you can double click the icon ~~~~~~~~~XX@@[ and start it from the Workbench and select the picture __mW@A*~` and destination file using file requesters. _mW@A*~` @@b_. How it works: ~V*@@ms_. ------------ '~V*@@ms. The program looks at pixel blocks of 2x3 pixels and mmmmmmmmmmW@@[ selects a character that best matches that block. *************! Consequently the ASCII picture will be much bigger and and a differnt aspect ratio than the original IFF. @@m_ ims. You may want to adjust your IFF before conversion to @PV@W. !*M@b compensate for this. If you want to know more then have @[ '@W. V@[ a look at the source that's included. @[ '@W. @[ @[ !@@s__W@` Preparation of the pictures: @[ '*@@@*` --------------------------- s_ The program assumes that any non background colour is M@@Ws_ a colour. For this reason you should use 2 colour ~V@@@Wm_ images. If you want to convert images with more colours @['~*@@Wm. then load them in to your favourite imgage processor @[ _d@@[ and dither a 2 colour image from that. ILBM2ASCII will @bmW@@*f~ select a character whose density best matches the dither. ,_m@@@*f~ @@*f` ` Distribution etc: gW@[ ,gmms. ---------------- d@*~` ,@@**@@. The Conversion Table is inspired by Jorn Barger's i@! d@! MW alt.ascii art FAQ which had the table by Rob Harley in ]@ @@ ]@ it. !@. ]@[ ,WP MWs_g@A im@A` The program is freely distributable, though keep the VM@@*` !*~ archive together and give credit where it's due. _mm@@@Wms. Feel free to include this any archives and libraries ,W@**~~~V*@@s do not charge any money other than an amount to cover @A` V@i media, duplication and distribution. ]@` Y@ ]@ ]@ All programming by Tobias Ferber. '@b ,@P ( !@Wm_ ,g@A` 'VM@ ]Af ILBM2ASCII is a C coded FAST program based on IFF2ASCII which was an AMOS program by Matthew Stratfold. Who also mmmmmmmmmmmmmi helped out on this doc, examples and the-rat icon. *************! _____________. @@@@@@@@@@@@@[ This program is BeerWare - if you like it go and buy yourself a beer :-) ============================= Archive contents ============================= Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 469 249 46.9% 15-Jun-94 20:43:38 ilbm2ascii-1.4/Distfile 952 357 62.5% 15-Jun-94 20:44:06 ilbm2ascii-1.4/DMakefile 948 497 47.5% 15-Jun-94 21:25:46 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ 13141 3896 70.3% 20-Jun-94 18:46:28 ilbm2ascii-1.4/examples/fen.ascii 7246 5159 28.8% 16-Jun-94 17:52:38 ilbm2ascii-1.4/examples/fen.iff 12865 4072 68.3% 26-Apr-94 20:09:46 ilbm2ascii-1.4/examples/lady2.ascii 8748 5776 33.9% 20-Feb-94 12:45:36 ilbm2ascii-1.4/examples/lady2.iff 7069 1885 73.3% 06-Jun-94 04:20:56 ilbm2ascii-1.4/examples/tf.ascii 4766 2851 40.1% 11-May-94 04:24:44 ilbm2ascii-1.4/examples/tf.iff 22452 12479 44.4% 22-Jun-94 12:59:56 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ilbm2ascii 3949 1699 56.9% 22-Jun-94 12:59:32 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ilbm2ascii.c 2316 1298 43.9% 15-Jun-94 20:44:24 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ilbm2ascii.o 67 66 1.4% 02-Sep-92 13:12:34 FILE_ID.DIZ 948 492 48.1% 02-Sep-92 15:26:38 4608 1517 67.0% 21-Jun-94 10:06:14 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ilbm2ascii.readme 5031 1624 67.7% 15-Jun-94 21:13:42 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ilbm2ascii.rexx 1610 648 59.7% 15-Jun-94 21:25:46 ilbm2ascii-1.4/ -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 97185 44565 54.1% 27-Jun-94 09:43:40 17 files